Misinformation: Tankless Water Heaters Aren’t Efficient

“Tankless water heaters are not actually that efficient compared to storage tanks.”

Myth #3: Tankless water heaters are inefficient compared to storage hot water tanks.

Tankless water heaters are anything but inefficient. As mentioned in a previous blog, with operational efficiencies of up to 99% gas powered tankless water heaters leave a smaller carbon foot print than any other appliance in your home!  They are also eligible for great rebate programs offered by FortisBC.

Where might this myth come from? It’s easy for lines of information to be crossed when it passes many hands, and nowadays it is not uncommon to find a blog or video in favor of absolutely any opinion and it’s opposing side. We say it’s time to scrap this idea because facts are facts. Not convinced? Check out the manufacturer specification sheets that can be found on their websites and these will outline the energy efficiency of tankless products. This information has to be provided to legal authorities such as the government and trustworthy third-party health and safety officials, so you can take their word as gospel. Amen!

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